🥳 The Prep Alerts Calendar is LIVE!
Prep Alert Calendar Access Page: https://www.cascadiadispatch.com/prep-alerts-calendar/
🤷️ When was the last time you checked the expiration dates on your canned food or checked your flashlights to make sure they worked? Did you know that you should shake your fire extinguishers when you check your smoke detectors? When a disaster strikes, Who wants to find exploding food cans or fire extinguishers that don’t work?
️ In order to avoid these and many other issues you have to make time to review and maintain your preparedness items and systems…otherwise…you guessed it…exploding green beans for everybody.
🤔 So how do we fix this…Enter the Prep Alerts Calendar
️ Over the past few years, I’ve seen a ton of “Build your food storage in 52 weeks” calendars, but I haven’t seen a general preparedness calendar, so I made one and I want to share it with all of you.
🤦️ I wanted something easy, that didn’t take a lot of work to set up, and would help me get better prepared by putting the “Oh, I should remember to do that” moments on autopilot.
The Prep Alerts calendar will remind you of tasks and projects throughout the year when they make sense…I mean getting a reminder to Winterize your generator in April would be a bit odd don’t you think?
⏱ Because we’ve all had that “How long has it been since…?” moment I’ve done my best to accommodate any recommended timing, whether that be a specific season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) or a time interval (like every 3 months or every 6 months). Now you’ll know, based on the calendar.
I’ve prepopulated it with 52 tasks throughout the year. They are all scheduled on Fridays, so you can work on them over the weekend, and they show up like Holidays at the top of each day. Each alert is meant to be an introduction for someone who is new to preparedness and a reminder for anyone who has been working on their preparedness journey for a while.
Now for the tech specs…
This is a free Google calendar (which means no cost and no new apps to download, it just connects to your existing calendar app. By connecting to the live version of the calendar you’ll automatically be able to see any new events that get added and the events for future years (right now I just have 2021 in place).
️ If you would like a static version in iCal format, please let me know in the comments below and I’ll try to find a way to distribute that.
The Prepper Adjacent designs are available now in our new merchandise store: https://cscddspt.ch/merch
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