Could you Survive?

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to see places all around the world. I’ve been from the deserts of Oman, to the calving glaciers of Alaska, but the hottest recorded place on earth – thats a new one for me. Any regular vehicle really will get you here, but you need to go into this adventure well prepared. It is the winter here right now, so it is more than 100 degrees colder than in the summer time, but some of these LONG hills still had the motorhome heating up. Mechanically, I keep this old girl in tip top shape, and I knew she was up for the challenge, and we had no problems at all.
Before coming into the valley its self though, I did have a little difficulty, and had to battle my first sand storm. I am all about new experiences, even if they are challenging, and the MoHo and I got out no problem.

Death valley has definitely become one of my favourite places here in the USA, and I will definitely be paying another visit again in the future. I tried to fit in as much as I could during my stay, but there is so so much more to see that I didn’t. All in all, this place is Destination Adventure Certified, and I hope many of you will get the chance to see it for yourselves.

If you’re enjoying the show, and you would like to help get Destination Adventure to bigger and better places, please consider taking a look at my Patreon page.

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