84. Hunt-deer 360 degrees around me to the point I

This is yet another video providing evidence that when done PROPERLY, a scent control regimen using a complete activated carbon lined ScentLok suit (jacket, pants, head cover with drop down face mask and gloves), used in conjunction with clean; rubber or neoprene boots, backpack, saddle, and other accessories, will allow you to hunt while paying ZERO attention to wind direction, thermals or swirling winds.

I have filmed a few hunts this season because I’m enjoying it, not to prove a scent control point, but it is just so blatantly obvious that I have to post a few of these hunts. As you can tell, Michigan definitely has no shortage of deer, we just have very few bucks that survive to 3 1/2 years of age and there is one in this video.

On this hunt I had deer around me the entire evening in every direction. Many of the deer crossed my entry route without hesitation, and many were at some point directly downwind of me without even raising their snout to test the wind. One decent 8 point walked totally around me in hopes that one of the does was in estrus and once satisfied that none of the ones that were there or that had passed by earlier, were, he meandered farther down the edge of the standing corn.

There are button bucks fighting, rubbing their buttons on branches, posturing like a mature buck, an antlered buck urinating in a scrape and working a licking branch, a good buck broadside at 12 yards, and several does and fawns and another decent buck walking through the standing corn.

View original video here

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